
Friday May 17, 2019
Episode 19: Understanding Racial Equity - A Discussion With Andrew Brower
Friday May 17, 2019
Friday May 17, 2019
This episode of RootsCast features Andrew Brower for a discussion on race and Racial Equity.
Jeff and Andrew have a decades long friendship that has included many discussions on the topic of race pertinent to Andrew's work over the past ten years as a Program Officer for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation in Battle Creek, MI. Andrew shares his insights around the concept of Racial Equity, ways to empower POC and marginalized groups, and how we think (and don't think) about race as white people.
Andrew's resource recommendations:
Targeted Universalism - John Powell
The Case For Reparations - Ta-Nahesi Coats
*Note, it actually is from 2014.
Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack - Peggy McIntosh
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard For White People To Talk About Racism - Robin D'Angelo

Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Episode 18: Empowerment Psychology, Discussions With Douglas Holwerda Part 6
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
In this episode Jeff welcomes back Douglas Holwerda, visiting from Vietnam where he practices as a psychotherapist, for Part 6, continuing our discussion about 'Empowerment Psychology'.
Part 6 is a recap of our previous conversations, we discuss how we apply the ideas that lead to being empowered.
Doug recently presented a lecture series on the topic of "empowerment" to an audience in Hanoi that can be seen on the Empowerment Psychology Facebook page: http://bit.ly/EmpowermentPsychology
He also recently launched his website: empowermentpsychology.com

Saturday Feb 09, 2019
Episode 17: Empowerment Psychology, Discussions With Douglas Holwerda Part 5
Saturday Feb 09, 2019
Saturday Feb 09, 2019
In this episode Jeff welcomes back Douglas Holwerda, visiting from Vietnam where he practices as a psychotherapist, for Part 5, continuing our discussion about 'Empowerment Psychology'.
In this episode we discuss how empowerment is the way to overcome the depletions and challenges that come with life beginning with childhood. Douglas expands on the three things necessary for a healthy childhood; safety, mastering age appropriate tasks, and nurturance.
Doug recently presented a lecture series on the topic of "empowerment" to an audience in Hanoi that can be seen on the Empowerment Psychology Facebook page: http://bit.ly/EmpowermentPsychology
He also recently launched his website: empowermentpsychology.com

Thursday Dec 27, 2018
Episode 16: Empowerment Psychology, Discussions With Douglas Holwerda Part 4
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
In this episode Jeff welcomes back Douglas Holwerda, visiting from Vietnam where he practices as a psychotherapist, for Part 4, continuing our discussion about 'Empowerment Psychology'.
In this episode we discuss self-actualization, what it means to be empowered and how negative perception of individual worth can limit empowerment. The topics of selflessness and selfishness in the context of relationships is discussed, as well as the navigation of boundaries and limitations.
Doug recently presented a lecture series on the topic of "empowerment" to an audience in Hanoi that can be seen on the Empowerment Psychology Facebook page: http://bit.ly/EmpowermentPsychology

Monday Nov 19, 2018
Episode 15: Empowerment Psychology, Discussions With Douglas Holwerda Part 3
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Monday Nov 19, 2018
In this episode Jeff welcomes back Douglas Holwerda, visiting from Vietnam where he practices as a psychotherapist, for Part 3, continuing our discussion about 'Empowerment Psychology'.
In this episode we discuss the value of ideals, the upside, the ways they can hold us back, and how they relate to reality. We also touch on the importance of acceptance and emotional regulation.
Doug recently presented a lecture series on the topic of "empowerment" to an audience in Hanoi that can be seen on the Empowerment Psychology Facebook page: http://bit.ly/EmpowermentPsychology

Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Episode 14: Empowerment Psychology, Discussions With Douglas Holwerda Part 2
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
In this episode Jeff welcomes back Douglas Holwerda, visiting from Vietnam where he practices as a psychotherapist for Part 2, continuing our discussion about 'Empowerment Psychology'.
Continuing with the theme of 'Begin Within', this episode focuses on self-awareness, emotional intensity & regulation, and the relationship between our feelings, thoughts, and body. How do we achieve a balance in our emotional lives? How can we be responsive vs. reactionary?
Doug recently presented a lecture series on the topic of "empowerment" to an audience in Hanoi that can be seen on the Empowerment Psychology Facebook page: http://bit.ly/EmpowermentPsychology

Monday Sep 17, 2018
Episode 13: Empowerment Psychology, Discussions With Douglas Holwerda Part 1
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Monday Sep 17, 2018
In this episode Jeff welcomes his uncle, Douglas Holwerda, visiting from Vietnam where he practices as a psychotherapist. Back in 2014 Douglas contributed a series of blog posts on 'The Word', Root Concepts blog beginning here: www.neverbetter.com/will-emotion-force-idealism/
Doug recently presented a lecture series on the topic of "empowerment" to an audience in Hanoi that can be seen on the Empowerment Psychology Facebook page: http://bit.ly/EmpowermentPsychology
He is currently working on a book that expands on the ideas that come from the work he is doing and the previous writings on Neverbetter.com. This episode begins a series of discussions which cover topics including Emotional Regulation & Equanimity; Understanding Willpower & The Value Of Acceptance; & Ideals, Expectations & Reality.

Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
Episode 12: American Times With Jon Vander Pol
Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
In this episode, Jeff and Root Concepts co-founder Jon Vander Pol discuss Jon's current film project, 'American Times'.
"Millions of Americans are struggling to stay optimistic about the future, and at the same time struggling to get along with family and friends across the political divide. American Times is a journey in search of hope and healing. If you can relate to this struggle, please join us on this journey."
Support the crowdfund here.

Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Episode 11 - Regenerative Solutions for the Future of Humanity
Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
"Sustainability has been one of the most often used words when envisioning thriving, healthy societies of the future but sustainability will not help us now."
That's a quote from our good friend Jacob Devaney and an exerpt from his latest Huffington Post article: "Regenerative Solutions for the Future of Humanity".
Jacob stopped by to fill us in on his latest travels with Unify and how he's been a part of unlikely, yet crucial collaborations that bring together people from all walks of life for the betterment of our nation and globe.

Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Episode 10 - Neverbetter
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Episode 10 takes us all the way back to the early days of Root Concepts with a new poem that Jeff wrote and published called "Neverbetter", followed by a discussion focused on this philosophy and mantra that Jeff has used through the years to carry him through the ups and downs of life.